The Shield item deploys an electromagnetic dome that blocks weapon fire for a short time (charge to deploy farther from your mech). You cannot fire from inside at targets outside the Shield. The Shield has a short duration and can be destroyed by weapons fire.

Cooldown: 79 Seconds
- Mark IThe MK-I is the standard version and has one charge.
- Mark IIThe MK-II version is a more effective version and has one charge.
- Mark IIIThe MK-III is similar to the MK-II version but contains two charges.
Mechs with the Shield
The Shield can be purchased in the garage and equipped on any mech.
These mechs come equipped with the Shield as a standard item.
Close-Range Heavy DefensePrimary WeaponFlak CannonSecondary WeaponTOW RocketSpecial AbilityFortified TurretCiv
Defensive Mine-Laying AmbusherPrimary WeaponRepeater XTSecondary WeaponRepeater XTSpecial AbilityMagnetic ShellCR-T Recruit
Mid-Range All PurposePrimary WeaponAssault RifleSecondary WeaponTOW RocketSpecial AbilityWeapons Coolant