Repair Charge
The Repair Charge item drops an orb in front of your mech that will repair armor on any nearby mechs. Hold down the Use Item button before deploying to fire the charge farther.

Cooldown: 79 Seconds
- Mark IThe MK-I is the standard version and has one charge.
- Mark IIThe MK-II version is a more effective version and has one charge.
- Mark IIIThe MK-III is similar to the MK-II version but contains two charges.
Mechs with the Repair Charge
The Repair Charge can be purchased in the garage and equipped on any mech.
These mechs come equipped with the Repair Charge as a standard item.
Mid-Range All PurposePrimary WeaponSubmachine CannonSecondary WeaponTOW RocketSpecial AbilityBallistic BarrageBrawler
Close-Range Heavy DefensePrimary WeaponFlak CannonSecondary WeaponTOW RocketSpecial AbilityFortified TurretMarauder
Close-Range Heavy Mobile UnitPrimary WeaponT32-BoltSecondary WeaponCorsair-KLASpecial AbilityFuel IntakeTechnician
Close-Range Repair SpecialistPrimary WeaponRedox-02Secondary WeaponHelix Repair TorchSpecial AbilityAmplificationVanguard
Close-Range High DefensePrimary WeaponB3-ARSecondary WeaponGrenade LauncherSpecial AbilityVanguard Turret