Radar Scrambler
The Radar Scrambler item deploys a device that adds numerous false blips to enemy radars. The Radar Scrambler remains active until it expires, you are killed, or you deploy another scrambler.

Cooldown: 118 Seconds
- Mark IThe MK-I is the standard version and has one charge.
- Mark IIThe MK-II version is a more effective version and has one charge.
- Mark IIIThe MK-III is similar to the MK-II version but contains two charges.
Mechs with the Radar Scrambler
The Radar Scrambler can be purchased in the garage and equipped on any mech.
These mechs come equipped with the Radar Scrambler as a standard item.
Mid-Range SuppressionPrimary WeaponM4MASecondary WeaponSAARE LauncherSpecial AbilityHeat DispersionInfiltrator
Mid-Range StealthPrimary WeaponEOC RepeaterSecondary WeaponGrenade LauncherSpecial AbilityCamouflagePredator
Ambush VehiclePrimary WeaponBreacherSecondary WeaponEOC PredatorSpecial AbilityStalker